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Dropdownlist een item geselecteerd zetten

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#1 VB6Dummy


    VBIB Godfather

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    Laatst bezocht 26 dec 2014 17:43

Geplaatst op 04 mei 2011 - 07:18

I have a dropdownlist with the days , another with the months and another
with some years . Now i get the date from the database and splt it into the day
month and year like this:

Dim begindag As String = Format(CDate(objSurvey.Survey_Begin), "dd")
Dim beginmaand As String = Format(CDate(objSurvey.Survey_Begin), "MM")
Dim beginjaar As String = Format(CDate(objSurvey.Survey_Begin), "yyyy")

Eg: Date = 10-05-2001 begindag= 10 , beginMaand = 05 beginJaar =2001

Then i want to search my dropdownlists and setthem to the day, month and
year specified like this:

ddlBeginDag.Items.FindByValue(begindag).Selected = True
ddlBeginMaand.Items.FindByValue(beginmaand).Selected = True
ddlBeginJaar.Items.FindByValue(beginjaar).Selected = True

what goes wrong here? I need to know how to set the ddl to the right (exsisting) item

Ps the error = dropdownlists cannot have multiple items selected

So it tries to select multiple items, but i dont understand why
i just want to search the ddl till it finds the value 10 (resp. 05 and 2001) and then set it selected

thanx for the help!

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Met dank aan Jürgen voor de jarenlange inzet van visualbasic.be (anno dec 2000)
Met dank aan Mike en Ronneke voor de jarenlange inzet van vbib.be (anno dec 2010)
Met dank aan PascalBianca voor de jarenlange inzet van vbib.be (anno dec 2016)