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How To Change Your Raspberry Pi'S Language.


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#1 pascalbianca



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    Laatst bezocht 12 jan 2024 08:50
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Geplaatst op 30 december 2012 - 16:20

By configuring the locale settings, you can change the language and country settings (e.g. to get correct sorting behaviour) for much of the software available for the RPi.
The default RPi locale is English/Great Britain ("en_GB").
You can alter this with.:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

You will get a very long list of possible locales. You can enable/disable a locale by pressing the spacebar (not Enter), and scroll through the list using the arrow keys or PgUp/PgDn.
Selecting "All locales" will generate all possible locales, taking a very long time and using a great deal of space. Select only those you wish to use.
It is highly recommended to stick to the UTF-8 locales, and to leave the en_GB.UTF-8 locale enabled, in addition to any other locales you enable.
If you're unsure of which locale to pick, look up a two-letter language code and a two-letter country code on Wikipedia, and see if you can find a matching locale.
When you're done picking locale(s), press Enter. You will be prompted to select a default locale as well.
In my situation i choose Nl-Nl- UTF8 and tada...
For users from Belgium it must be nl_BE@UTF8.

Bijlage  rasplanguage.png   44,4K   3 downloads

Veranderd door pascalbianca, 04 januari 2013 - 09:56.

#2 ThomasTaigH


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Geplaatst op 26 juni 2024 - 11:15

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#3 ThomasTaigH


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#4 ThomasTaigH


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Met dank aan Jürgen voor de jarenlange inzet van visualbasic.be (anno dec 2000)
Met dank aan Mike en Ronneke voor de jarenlange inzet van vbib.be (anno dec 2010)
Met dank aan PascalBianca voor de jarenlange inzet van vbib.be (anno dec 2016)